Ratio analysis is a quantitative method of gaining insight into a company's liquidity, operational efficiency, and profitability by studying its financial statements. Ratios are calculated by dividing one number or amount by another number or amount. The results are usually provided as percentages. By comparing the results for different periods and companies, financial analysts and investors can learn a lot about the financial status of the company. Using a ratio analysis template makes it easier for any user to conduct a ratio analysis. The template itemizes each financial figure that will be necessary as well as provides instructions as to how users may want to consider interpreting the results of the ratios. Learn how to create creative financial analysis using the Venngage financial analysis ratios template. You don't need to be a designer, have design experience, or download any design tools to customize an infographic for your blog. Simply customize this financial analysis ratios template, and you'll be able to create a financial analysis ratio for your own in no time! To get started with this financial analysis ratios template, simply click