Medicine is an essential part of nursing sick bodies back to health. For those with chronic conditions, it can manage their symptoms. There are many different types of medicine, and each has its purpose. Some medicines treat specific illnesses, while others are taken regularly to manage diseases. No matter what type of medicine you take, it is crucial to take it as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. If you don't take your medicine as prescribed, it will not work as expected. You may even experience severe side effects. In some cases, you may even risk your health by not taking your meds regularly. A medication schedule is a program that includes all the times you need to take your medicine and when you need to have refills. It also provides information about how much medicine you should take per dose. The medication schedule may also include instructions on how to store your medicine or if you need to take it before or after a meal. Medication schedules can help ensure that you take your medicine correctly and regularly. A medication timetable can