Generate a light corporate resume and more with this Simple Turquoise Corporate Resume Template. Customize the template with a monochromatic color scheme, a modern font, and a photo for a basic design. For a simple look, pick a monochromatic color scheme. Whether you want something bright or subtle, Venngage has a large collection of monochromatic color palettes you can select from, or you can make a new one. After you enter your own text, choose a modern font so the Simple Turquoise Corporate Resume Template is easy to read. Find the modern font you want on Venngage and apply it with one click. Add a photo so your resume pops off the page. It's easy to upload a photo, but if you want to use a photo that represents your area of expertise, Venngage has thousands to choose from! Are you looking for other resumes? Discover more simple resume templates on Venngage!