There are many different types of engineering decision matrix. However, they all serve the same purpose: to compare project designs and pick out the most promising one. The process is called a ""decision matrix"" because it creates a table with possible solutions along one axis and criteria to be evaluated along another. The goal is to identify the solution with the best score, which indicates it meets all of the criteria. If no solution scores sufficiently high under all criteria, then more design alternatives need to be explored. The method for building a decision matrix varies depending on the project requirements and how many alternative designs are being considered. You don't need any design experience to create a template as no design skills are required. Anyone can use this template without having to learn complicated design software. The engineering decision matrix template is easy to edit, customize, and reproduce for personal or business purposes. You may customize the colors, style elements, text formatting, and layout to create your own engineering decision matrix. You can use this engineering decision matrix