Create a unique statistical infographic and more with this Solar Energy Infographic Template. You can completely modify the infographic, including the images, bright color palette, and large headings. Whether you're explaining solar energy or sports statistics, you can't go wrong with images to communicate the content. There's a vast collection of stock images on Venngage that you can utilize to make the statistical infographic your own. Personalize the Solar Energy Infographic Template with a bright color palette in order to grab people's attention. Select one of the pre-generated color schemes on Venngage, or make your own bright color palette for the statistical infographic. After you've entered your own text, incorporate large headings so each statistic is noticeable. Choose the text you want to resize and then click on the point size you want in the editor tool to integrate the changes. Do you have questions about the Solar Energy Infographic Template? Contact Venngage and we'll be glad to assist you!