Develop a light eBook landing page and more with this editable Ebook Landing Page Template. Customize the landing page with an image, bold headings, and a minimal color palette for a simple look. Images are a great technique to let people visualize the content and to showcase products or services. Upload pictures from your own device, or utilize the images from the Venngage gallery and insert them with one click. Point out important details or areas you want the reader to look next by applying bold headings. You can also use bold typeface to draw attention to key phrases within the text, so don't hesitate to use them where necessary. Put the finishing touches on the Ebook Landing Page Template by adding a minimal color palette. This way you can emphasize the image and still keep the content interesting. Make a new color scheme, or choose one of the pre-generated minimal color palettes from Venngage. Have questions about the simple landing page template? Click on the chat icon below and we'll be happy to assist you!