An Effective Offboarding Process is a process that helps ensure all commitments to the organization are met by both the employee and employer before separation of employment. Effective Offboarding Processes include a process for the orderly termination of employment with a company, which may include retirement or resignation. Effective Offboarding Processes also provide a way for the current employer and the new employer to work together in a manner that is consistent with law and common sense, while also being sensitive to the needs of employees transitioning from one workplace to another. Effective Offboarding Processes include at least some of these items. You don't need any design experience to customize this template. Our online editor is easy for anyone to use! Click create to get started with customizing this Effective Offboarding Process Blog Header template. First, add your content. You can stick with the template’s default font or change it in the editor top panel. If you need to add new sections, select multiple objects and just duplicate them. We currently have over 20K icons. We have thousands of diverse icons that