Explain market research and other business processes with this Market Research Mind Map Template. Incorporate icons, use a modern color scheme, and add bold headings for a fresh look. Insert various icons so that readers can visualize the content and make the Market Research Mind Map Template more intriguing. Browse through the Venngage gallery for the icons that fit with your content and add them to the mind map with one click. For a bold mind map, choose a modern color scheme that's eye-catching. Make a new modern color scheme from scratch, or add one of the automated ones on Venngage. Once you've added your own text, apply bold headings so they stand out from the body content. You can also use bold typeface to make key text jump out at the reader, so don't hesitate to use bold typeface where necessary. Not exactly the business mind map you were searching for? Check out Venngage for more trendy mind map templates!