Make a bold comparison infographic and more with this Fact vs Fiction Infographic Template. It features a dramatic color palette, images, and a modern font that you can customize in no time for an impressive infographic. Start out personalizing the Fact vs Fiction Infographic Template with a dramatic color palette in order to pull people into your infographic. Choose one of Venngage's existing color schemes, or make a new dramatic color palette with the colors you want. Images are excellent for showing comparisons and keeping the reader's interest throughout the infographic. Venngage has thousands of high-quality stock images that you can easily add to the Fact vs Fiction Infographic Template with one click. When it comes to the content, select a modern font so the comparison infographic is readable. There's a wide range of fonts available on Venngage, including modern fonts, so don't hesitate to try out the fonts you want for the infographic. Begin customizing your own infographic today!