Make a trendy customer service infographic and more with this editable Customer Service Process Infographic Template. Apply images, use a pattern, and incorporate a stylish color palette for a creative process infographic. Images are a great way to visualize the text and to hold the reader's interest throughout the Customer Service Process Infographic Template. You'll find thousands of impressive images in the Venngage gallery and you can insert them where you want and frame them with shapes so they pop off the page. Consider applying a background pattern so the process infographic has layers and makes the content more visual. There's a plethora of patterns available in the editor tool, including but not limited to shapes, zigzags, and stripes! Add a stylish color palette that will appeal to the readers and make the images and pattern really shine. You can either create your own stylish color palette, or use one of the existing stylish color schemes on Venngage. Not quite the infographic you were browsing for? Search the Venngage library for more innovative process infographic templates!