Produce a contemporary health guide eBook and more with this editable Nonprofit Mental Health Guide Ebook Template. Incorporate images, utilize icons, and use a gradient color scheme so the eBook is intriguing to read. Images are a great way to communicate the content of the eBook. Venngage has thousands of images available and it's easy to search by keyword to find the ones you want! Additionally, you can also add icons to explain the text and you can also frame them with shapes for a more vivid look. Choose icons from the Venngage gallery and enter them where you want within the Nonprofit Mental Health Guide Ebook Template. Finish up your health guide eBook by integrating a gradient color scheme to keep the eBook interesting. It's simple to customize your own gradient color palette, or you can use one of the pre-generated color schemes from Venngage and apply it to the eBook template. Not exactly the eBook you wanted? Check out the Venngage library for more modern eBook templates!