Make a contemporary marketing eBook and more with this editable 4 Steps Content Marketing Organic Traffic EBook Template. Personalize it with photos, icons, and a modern color scheme for a fresh design. Start off by inserting photos that help communicate the content throughout the 4 Steps Content Marketing Organic Traffic EBook Template. Venngage has a gallery loaded with thousands of high-quality stock photos, but you can upload your own if you want a more personal touch. Another way you can enhance the eBook is by adding icons to break up the text. Insert icons directly from the gallery, choose their color, and adjust their size the way you want. When it comes down to the colors, make a bold impact by applying a modern color scheme. Not only is it exciting, but it'll keep the reader interested in the eBook and Venngage has a wide range of modern color palettes you can use, or you can make a new one. Get started now!